Blog Stat Gossip – you know what I’m talking about, don’t you?

Get two bloggers talking and inevitably up will come the subject of our readers – what they like, what they walk right on by, what’s a hit, what’s not.  Complex calculations on how to please your followers.

As you know, I surrendered on this and simply throw my punches out there, sometimes it’s a wild success and at others a TKO – a technical knock out – and at others, not a peep out of youse guys.

Case in point.   A couple of days ago, I hit publish on Rules for Human Beings.  Actually, correction, I hit “schedule for 1:00 a.m.” and went to bed.  Did not go online again until later in the day and, boy, was I stunned.  Before the day was over, it had been reblogged (highest of high compliments by fellow bloggers) three times and the Likes exploded – achieving notoriety from the Word Press tracker – “Best damn day ever for Likes, Hunty.”  “Best damn day ever for most followers in one day, Hunt!”  Well done, Self! Phew or pshah or the sounding and making of a raspberry – like I had anything to do with it!  It was the wisdom of someone who chose to be Anonymous and the wisdom of those who chose to read it and love it.  My part came in having the brilliance to hit schedule and publish at 1:00 a.m.

Today, I am on the phone with a fellow blogger, as you do…. and we’re talking blogging, as you do….  She says that the most popular posts on her blog are her cooking ones, which she now feels she must photograph every 30 seconds or stirring of ingredient, so now she worries if she had enough or just the right amount of light…   and what about background….I know this feeling.  Getting all wrapped up in technology and mission creep, as our military specialists so succinctly put it.

I simply can’t keep this to myself anymore.  The joke is too good.  Near as I can tell, my best, most popular post ongoing since November 22, 2013 is this one.  I am not kidding.  Aside from views of the home page, this is the one people consistently come to look at.  At this rate, any idea that I suffer from hubris is out, out, out of the question.  Thanks for keeping me ‘umble, youse guys. Grin.  Best ~ HuntMode

24 thoughts on “Blog Stat Gossip – you know what I’m talking about, don’t you?

    • There! You see, Eric, ‘xactly what I’m saying! I did loved the one on the kickboxer and the Marine and how the Marine coldcocked him and disappeared into the crowd…. OOOORRRRAAAAHHHH!


  1. I am laughing here – My best post is on my sister-blog which I rarely post on any longer. Hands down it beats my main blog on its best day because of a post about Gypsy Tattoos. I used to get frustrated, then I thought the solution would be to post about tattoos and then … I stayed authentic and let it all slide – oooorrrraaaahhh 🙂


  2. Hunt, If I am not allowed to be humble you can’t be either. It was a great catch and hit. I know I jumped on it the moment I read it, and I even got a bunch of likes from that post. You made a great comment, we never know what is going to be successful when we hit the publish button. I gave up a long time ago, and life became easier when I started writing for myself and Cari. Those posts are the ones that drew folks like you into my world and I am forever grateful. Thank you, Bill


    • Dear Bill, in Fire in the Bones, I wrote, …“Write what you want. Write what refuses to stay inside. Let the readership be what it will be.“ Otherwise you end up in crazy man’s land. Grin.


  3. What I would find depressing if I let it be is that when I blog about anything to do with my passion of writing – words or music -, I get one man and a dog; and the man took the wrong turning. Then some triviality becomes constantly consulted, like one I did on Adobe updates and YouTube.


    • Laughter – soft and then softer. Oh yes, Col, I know – thank God for the dogs that read and comment. Would you send me a recommendation for one or two of your favorites? I’d love it. Best ~ HuntMode


  4. Whoo! Congrats on the best ever day on WordPress!
    I’ve given up with all these blogs on how to blog thingies…I now just go with the flow…:D

    That Rule to be Human is definitely a classic and yay to you for passing it on!


    • Just right now, Shree, it has happened again. 194 views today and still the Bohemian Kick Boxer and the Marine garner the most views! Laughter. Yes, I love the Rules for Humans, too. I suspect on your side of the world you might be rising – have a wonderful day, while I toddle off to bed. 🙂


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