Afternoon Nap(s)


Be sure to click to enlarge; at the least it will elicit a smile, at most you may decide on a nap yourself.

These lovely ladies are commenter and friend Maggie’s brood. I can’t remember if I mentioned it, but at one time, Maggie was at one end of that couch, I was at the other. We had one greyhound between us, one greyhound beind me, and one climbed onto my lap. She really thought she was a lap dog – all 56 lbs. of her to my 90 lbs.

News Update: My friend’s surgery took place today. It was truly a life/death surgery. Six centimeters of a tumor growing inside her heart…. The surgery went splendid and my friend is doing well on the pathway. Term of art that “pathway.” The powers that determine these things chart how these things are to go, what is the expected. If you are deemed “on pathway,” excellent! If you have wandered off pathway, not so good. She is on pathway and doing and being even better than that on her first night.

Thanks to everyone who included her in your welcomed prayers. 🙂 Best ~ HuntMode

16 thoughts on “Afternoon Nap(s)

  1. I am so glad to hear about your friend. God is working – you with your transcribing and now your friend. I just realized, I didn’t congratulate you on the job – Congrats!!!!! I think this is great for you. and so strange Huntie, last night I dreamed I came to visit you and there was a gaggle of greyhounds about it all frisking and smiling and your tiny self in the midst of them. It was a very nice dream. maybe I did come to visit – I was certainly thinking about your news when I went to bed. So happy for you and your friend. Praise God.


  2. Hunts, I am so glad your friend got thru the surgery and is on the right path. Everything really is secondary to that. The dogs make me smile, and seeing them stretched out like that is beyond cool, though I do need a spot on the couch for myself. Take care, have a great day. Bill


  3. A tumor inside her heart? Yow! I’m glad it’s out, now, and that’s she’s on the mend. Hopefully it’s gone for good!

    And the picture… ohhh, how I wish we could have a dog.


    • Dear Jak, you and Cimmie and your brood are MEANT to have a dog. Greyhounds, especially retired greyhounds, are super easy to care for, they sleep 22 hours a day, a 10-20 minute walk thrills them AND they will LOVE YOU to the ends of infinity. Highly empathic, they would be good sensors for all your needs. xxoo HuntMode


      • Yes, I have considered greyhounds, too. Welsch Corgis, Labradors, Rotweillers, Labradoodles, border collies and many other breeds and mixed breeds have been suggested to us.

        The largest obstacle right now is cost– cost of feeding and veterinary bills.


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