
Jayce68, you called it. Well played. Thank you. HuntMode


Something I’ve been thinking about for a while.

It’s also been a while since I’ve blogged. Life has been taking twists and turns with me and mine for the past few weeks. Things that just bring you down, and I’m not quite ready to get them out of my system. Some more mulling over is required. but me and C are still on track – I am indeed blessed.

I digress.

Kindness. That thing you are asked to do. The pay it forward situation. Do a single act of kindness every day and by the end of the year you would have made a change in 365 people’s lives.

Sure. Be kind. I’ve been kind. I probably will again – it’s something that you just do.

Alas. I’ve been bitten in the arse by my kindness. Big time. The HG really shook my kindness foundation to the core. So much…

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