Darn you, Elby!

Elby, That Cat! is famous for his chewing. He is a connoisseur of string, the chords that raise blinds up and down, the string that keeps sweatpants up, and today…. Today, that little fiend chewed one of the straps of a new bra. TMI? I want to be that little lamb, belting out my distress!

Just look at him, pleased as punch with himself. Smug, even!


None of my blinds work anymore; the sweatpants are an endangered species of clothing, and now….! AAAGGGGGHHHHHH!

31 thoughts on “Darn you, Elby!

  1. Huntie, When guys here that bra’s have been made underable, by forces other than ourselves we rejoice. Elby is now a hero in many guys eyes. But I understand you needing your six seconds. Take care, Bill


    • Come on, Tess, that face looks innocent to you?! Frankly, he looks like a judge during the Salem Witch Trials. Elby has a fetish for pens, for chewing anything that captures his interest, drinking water from the bathroom tap, climbing walls, setting hung paintings to swinging – he goes feral on me in the evening and I’m not kidding. Yes, I love him, but still!


      • Come OONnNnNnNn, Huntie. Look at that sweet face. I read cat faces. The word, “What,” is written all over him. Maybe I’m mistaken this time. Maybe he’s asking, “Who moi?”
        I’ve been wrong before. Sigh. Cat love rules. 🙂 ❤ ❤


            • Can I crow now?
              I’ve been away for a long weekend with my sisters and of course left Lady Gaga at home to be cared for by family. I wondered if she’d give me the evil eye this time.
              So far, so good. She needed her hugs and kisses and went off to snooze. I wonder what her real secret plans are. Other cats I’ve had association with, always gave the cold shoulder for a couple of days after I left any of them for a weekend.


            • You may crow – however, I’ve found a solution to the absence / punishment scenario. While gone, I visualize coming home thru the front door, walking thru the rooms in search for the kids, finding ’em, and talking with them, petting them. I do it every day I am gone and the result? No problems when I get home… lalalalalala!


      • Yeah….but at least he is only obsessed by cords and bras…..but I must take up for Elby, That Cat! Killer of kords he may be, but he doesn’t look like a hypocrite killer of people. I think he is a very handsome lad…


    • Paulette, so far the socks and shoes hold no interest for Elby; Ella, though, the other day, grabbed up on of my shoes and ran away with it…. Huh. It might be the fact they’ve both been on diets recently….

      May you have a most excellent week, too, Paulette!


  2. The worst thing my look alike does now, while it’s so cold, is to lie right on top of me when I sleep at night. So much so that I wake up in the morning with all kinds of aches from not being able to turn around at night 😉
    Oh. And he insists on parking off on anything black – and then proceeds to shed every single hair he can. Clumps of the stuff everywhere!!!


    • You are so right, J! Despite my California King, Ella parks off on 1/2 to 2/3s of the bed and Elby takes the other. I get just enough room to lay flat. Any movement on my part causes loud outcry! The torked position causes aches and pains. And, yet… I love them, she says whimpily.


  3. Huntie – Tom will now become your forever friend. When he moved in before we married (shock I know) Morti either chewed or wet on everything the man owned. Morti had always been able to get rid of anyone I’d ever dated and he simply couldn’t figure out why he couldn’t get rid of Tom. For years Morti had done less than pleasant things while Tom and I dated, but this was beyond anything tolerable. I’ll pick up my ‘Morti and Me’ blogs one of these days and continue the stories. I haven’t written any of them in a long time.


    • Oh, do, please, Sheri – I guarantee they bring a smile and a lightness to your heart and everyone else’s!

      While living with my husband before we were married (shock I know), he said he would know he had made it when my cat JuJu accepted him. “You, hon, are a push over. JuJu is tough!”


    • Appreciate him, Joanne! Elby being a Siamese Lynx… they are known for being very smart, very athletic, very loving and loyal. He is all those and then some!


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