
I am so glad you came. Come on in. How did you find me? Never mind, it is just great to see you. Coffee? Tea? Vodka, wine? Please sit down and have a read. What are you interested in? I’m willing to bet over the coming months there will be something to pique your interest. That is the thing about Chasing Rabbit Holes – almost always with initial caps – because you can end up just about anywhere and you’ll still be here. Pretty amazing, huh?

This got started because it was a hot election year and people who were too busy to pay attention simply picked up the phone and called me for a cough, balanced view, cough ~ alright, a fair view. We would talk about life and eventually end up either in current events, politics, reminiscing, or sorting things out. For the men who are visiting, read that last “sorting things out” as venting. Getting stuff off your chest. I’ve found that men and women think differently – oh, yes, they do. So, let’s get the biases out of the way. … Actually, that resulted in true rabbit hole and ended up as a future post.

A word about the staff.

Claire and Frond The Chaser:

Pictured right at the top of the site is Claire Has Flair. She is 11 years old, a retired rescued professional racer. According to her stats, she raced 93 races and won a third of ’em. She is a greyhound and her coloring is brindle. Greyhound owners refer to them as Greythounds. Claire can hit 43 miles per hour in three strides. When she agreed to join me, she was six years old, very shy and reserved. The most amazing thing about greythounds is how much time they spend sleeping… maybe 22 hours a day. I don’t think that’s an exaggeration. Out walking after dark on a leash, grown men have come to a full stop and respectfully asked, “What kind of dog is that? Is that a Doberman Pinscher?” She is menacing alright. This is the same greythound who is afraid of small children and tiny, yappy dogs who rush up. She will immediately turn around to go home and good luck on changing her mind. For the first year, maybe three, if there was more than one person talking with me, she began to tremble from head to toe, but very quietly. It can take a long time for the clown in a greythound’s personality to surface. It takes trust. And Claire had very little trust. It finally dawned on me she might be thinking I was getting ready to pass her on to the next home. And then, one fine day, my brother came to visit. He doesn’t hesitate to bribe any dog in his vicinity by filling his pockets with dog treats and lavishing those treats on every single dog he comes in contact with. Claire thought he was a god. She decided it was possible that all men are gods. My next door neighbor, a big, brawny former Olympian exclaimed, “Whoa! Is this the same Claire?!” Claire’s duties will be to chase down rabbits, of course. Rabbits are shapeshifters and they come in the form of stories, family histories, adventures, general quislings, musings and commentaries.

Dyssa test cropping The Analyst:

The Analyst is named Dyssa. She is a fat cat, weighs 13.5 lbs as of last week. When she first agreed to join me, she was an unknown entity, but the most unflappable cat I have ever met, braver than brave. She is the true alpha in our home. She came equipped with five fingers on her front paws and will hold hands with you. There’s a word for this and supposedly any cat with this characteristic comes out of the genetic feline family located on Earnest Hemingway’s estate in Florida. I tried naming her Diaz, Spanish for the number 10, to honor her hands. No go. Tried Dix, French for 10. She liked the sound, so I switched it up to feminize her name. Dyssa’s duties will include the current event posts, probably some political analysis regarding our foreign policy, terrorist attacks, congressional governance if we ever have any, and the like.

HuntMode: your host:

– Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!

87 thoughts on “About

  1. Pingback: DYSSA ~ R.I.P. 1996-2013 « Chasing Rabbit Holes

    • Eric, my apologies for taking so long to reply. Somehow I missed you’d commented. No unions in this household; we are equal until we are not, which comes down to my being the food god, which makes me king of the castle! I am really enjoying your ongoing story!


  2. Pingback: The Best Laid Plans of Woman and Cat… | Chasing Rabbit Holes

  3. I’d ask for Vodka but I reckon its a little too early in the morning for me *sigh* so I’ll have to opt for a cuppa then if you don’t mind πŸ™‚
    Thank you for popping in at my blog πŸ™‚


  4. Pingback: To my WordPress family – I embrace you all | polysyllabic profundities

  5. Pingback: Newest Staff & Family Member for Chasing Rabbit Holes.com | Chasing Rabbit Holes

  6. Your fat moggie is one of the biggest I’ve seen. I’m very sorry you lost her, and it must’ve broken your heart. The trouble with pets … Anyway: would you be kind enough to explain about pingbacks to me? If you’d email me, andthenlikemydreams@gmail.com, I’d be ever so grateful. I need to know what to do with the ones that arrive in my Comments; and how to set them up. PLEASE. Where are my manners?!


    • Welcome, Paulette! I had heard that about you, being wild and crazy about fur people. πŸ˜‰ When you have a moment, there are lots of stories re Claire and Dyssa, both of whom passed in this year – simply search with their names and up they’ll pop. The new staff is a rascal named Elby, That Cat! and Ella, the Greythound. They add so richly to my life. I am blessed. Enjoy chasing a rabbit hole or two!


      • I’m a bit of a computer dummy. I just scanned back through August 2013 and didn’t find anything with their names on it. I tried to copy and past their names into search but couldn’t then find any place to click to get a search going. If you have a particular post you’d like me to see, could I please trouble you for the link here? Thanks.


  7. Dear Paulette, do not be talking about my friends like that – those are fighting words! The fault does not lie with you, but with my site – the search bar is on the right, but very faint – it’s right above “recent posts” – if you click within and type “Claire,” you will strike gold. Note that they come up in reverse order, so you might want to scroll to the bottom and work your way back up. Thanks for your perseverance, Paulette!


      • Paulette! Now you’ve challenged me – I shall email you with some posts links. It worked fine when I used the search bar, so not sure what is going on…. but with such perseverance, I gotta be sure you get something for your trouble! Stand by!


      • So, I’m thinking about your computer knowledge…. When you typed in Claire in the search bar – did you hit the return key? Trust me, I don’t mean to insult, but it’s the only thing I can think of as to why it didn’t work, if you were in the search bar. And, I’ve sent you links to the stories under separate email! Best ~ HuntMode


        • No I didn’t hit the return key and guess what…THAT DID IT. Who knew? I really am behind the tech curve and am glad I now have another new tool, lol. I’ll have a romp around and am sure will love meeting some of your fury family. Thank you and happy Sunday. πŸ™‚


  8. Thanks for the invite to set a spell. I’d like some co’cola to sip on whilst I smooch on the fur folk. I’m looking forward to a nice ongoing visit with y’all. My precious Pugsley passed on a couple of years ago, sweetest cat I’ve been blessed by. Samcat agreed to come live with me a bit thereafter. He has a tendency to chew on me but Lord bless him, like most of us, he’s the best cat he can be under the circumstances. I am glad Claire isn’t doing that racing thing anymore. People who things like that to furry ones make me want to chew on them.


    • Kanzen, in defense of racing greyhounds, you cannot make them do what they will not do. They love running, truly! Google a bit, both the real racing videos and home videos of these greyt-hounds running outside. The sad part was their time of retirement is mandated at five years old and for a long time, these greyt-hounds were simply put down. Nowadays, though, across the country and, I think, the world, greyhound rescue groups came together to give us this greatest of all gifts – a greythound in retirement. They truly are mystical and magical in their intelligence, speed, and loving hearts. P.S. They sleep about 22 hours a day!


      • Oh I was not saying that against the dear creatures, no indeed. I was fussing about those wretches who abuse them and then discard them when they can no longer race. Those rescue groups have my deep respect because they do give us that precious gift. I am awed by their grace and strength and humbled by their gentleness. I always wished to be able to adopt one but never really lived in a place that would be good for them. I a glad they can now be a part of a family a and run run run!


        • Well, now, you’ve done it, Kanzen! This is one of my soapboxes… Greyhounds are wonderful in an apartment, certainly the equal of a cat. They are so used to living in crates that are 4 x 4 that an apartment to them is spacious, huge, and a couch is this side of Heaven for them. They only require about a 20 minute walk a day and that can be broken in to 2-4 quick walks. They are almost oriental in their orientation in that they begin with reserve and grace and slowly open up into the most glorious, goofy gentle creatures you have ever seen. Get one and you will be with a piece of Heaven. Grin.


  9. Hi huntmode, found you through C4C and a fellow blogger, jaklumen. It is important that a good blogger is backed by a great team like the one shown on your pages here. Sorry to hear about your Dyssa. We lost our beagle girl a couple of years ago and really miss her. Anyway, happy to make your blogging acquaintance and look forward to reading your posts.


  10. Pingback: The Persecution of Mildred Dunlap in libraries | The Persecution of Mildred Dunlap

  11. I have to say Hunt – because of the angle of Claire’s photo, I thought at first she was an anteater! Hope you all get a good laugh out that! I am so glad I met you over the holidays!


    • You are not alone in that guess, Benze. I’ve heard that and heard what soulful gaze she brings to the table! So, I left it up because soul gazing is far more interesting. Grin. On the other hand, my brother says, “It’s never the elephant that gets you, it’s the ants!”


  12. So nice to meet a fellow greyhound person! I live with 2 greyhounds now, Picasso, my 7th grey, and Luca, my 8th. This is definitely a greyhound household but I have lots of other dogs who come through here for visits. I found your blog because I saw you post about greyhounds on another blog, who I was just getting to know. Will be following you and hopefully we can connect!


      • Oh how funny! Yeah, that was my Dodgy’s 12th birthday party. Jake was the guy on the couch with all the toys on him. Such a blast! I wish they were both still here. The time they’re here is always too short. But the love lasts forever…


    • Congratulations, Belsbror! I love how you handled responding to multiple awards – so cleanly organized! Thank you for the nomination of the Versatile Blogger award. This is the second time I have received this honor. I greatly appreciate it. Best ~ HuntMode


  13. There’s a greyhound rescue/rehousing racing dogs’ centre not far from where I live. As a consequence, there are always a lot of greyhounds in the local park — and quite a few of them have the habit of trembling! My labrador loves them and always has. Her predecessor — another labrador — was a rescue dog due to her first owners getting divorced. She lived to the grand age of 17, but she had an insecure and stubborn streak to her all her life due to leaving her first family.


    • Welcome, Sarah! Your lab lived to be 17?! How splendid and, I think, pretty rare for labs. Yep, some of the greyhounds do tremble from head to toe. Claire certainly did. My lovely Ella loves new situations and meeting people. I am convinced she is the Ambassador of Greyhounds.


  14. Pingback: Throwback Thursday – Romance: the Sequel | kanzen sakura

  15. Hunt – This may very well be the best ‘About’ page I’ve ever read. I loved your story of your greyhound. They are such gentle souls and so terribly abused. She deserves all the love and attention she receives from you.
    Of course I love the ’10 finger goddess’ as well having been owned by a cat(s) for many years.
    The video rounded things out nicely and I’m looking forward to seeing what you have to offer us next time.


    • Thank you, Marie. There are lots of stories on Dyssa and Claire and the new kids, Ella & Elby, That Cat! On the home page, on the right, is a very light search button, put any of their names in and up will pop stories of their adventures. Welcome as always!


  16. Well, I am very pleased to be here as going down rabbit holes has been a past time of mine since I was young and easily convinced. I also love coffee. I only go to sleep at night so I can wake up and have coffee in the morning. I appreciate you visiting me and Willy Nilly and am happy you invited me to visit you as well. This is going to be fun πŸ™‚


    • Welcome to you and Willy Nilly. I believe I’m going to discover a raconteur of note in you, Sir. Fun is the order of the day, carry on, I shall be in the area. As you were and are. (and so on and so on and so forth) πŸ™‚


      • I can tell I needed you in my platoon. I could have left you in charge of the troops while I retired to the tent to play a game of Risk with my maps and many colored crayons. Maybe, call an air strike on the mess tent again to keep them wary and to ensure the ice cream machine is never neglected again. πŸ˜‰


          • Alas, Tiger Mom makes it a point to never let me win at GO. She says it keeps me from thinking too much of myself. My time is coming though, I noticed she is squinting at the cards way to much these days. I’ll have to strike fast before she upgrades her Korean designer eyeware. Muwaah ha ha haaa πŸ™‚ Feel free to pass me secret hints on how I might beat the master. Tiger Mom doesn’t blog, so were safe πŸ™‚


  17. This is one of the best ‘about’ offerings I have ever read… perhaps it is your remarks about your ‘greythound’ that so drew me in! A lover of dogs (and owner of three long-haired dachshunds), I’m partial to people who adore dogs – and I have a great affection for greyhounds. My friend also adopted a former racer, and that dog (Max) is the sweetest animal on the planet (well, excepting my three and perhaps yours!).

    Sorry to ramble, but I so enjoyed your ‘about’ post. I came here via Margaret Rose Stringer’s post in which she linked to your site. I’m glad I did.



    • Kate, welcome to our home. Delighted to have you and that you were kind to leave word. You’ll find stories here that range from funny to pathos and everywhere between. Give a hug to those dachshunds of yours from us!


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