Exciting Plans This Weekend?

I love that question, “Do you have exciting plans this weekend?” “Why no, I don’t.” Unless you think cleaning out the equivalent of Dumbledorf’s (oops!  Dumbledore’s) office is exciting.

My office looks very much like this, shy of the ladders and the nice frames on the paintings – not to mention every single book and item in my office needs dusting. For years, I have listed this as a priority for when I get around to housekeeping and for years, I’ve said, “Domani, domani, domani.” Domani arrived today and I’m alternating between climbing over piles and refusing to touch a piece of paper more than once – the sign of an organized person organizing, as it were. The kids who earn money taking everybody’s garbage out for us are going to make a fortune tomorrow.

Sometime tonight I’m going to make Spaghetti, with a green salad with Italian dressing, toasted sour dough with gobs of butter and maybe, just maybe I’ll bake a carrot cake with cream cheese frosting. Before y’all get excited, that last item is coming out of a Duncan Hines cake box and frosting can – scary though it is because it has an expiration date of 2014 – what does that do to your insides…? Who cares, it tastes good, not so?

See you on the flip side.

6 thoughts on “Exciting Plans This Weekend?

  1. Hope you survived the cleaning out P 😉
    The next time I do anything with my study will be when I have enough money to put the good shelving in. To make everything look more like a study and less like a storage room 😉
    And hope supper was as good as it sounds!!


  2. Ah, this is a work in progress, J. Definitely not something done in a day. The chaos brought about by the maintenance crew last week was the tipping point to get me to bring order out of the resulting chaos. And, yep, dinner was great. 🙂


  3. Hunt, I am not a pack rat, I am constantly purging, except for my collections of this than and the other. My office is always relatively neat, and almost always orderly. Please don’t open the closet door though. I hope you were somewhat successful in your purging process. I know it is a significant chore, and one you really have to devote time and energy to complete, and hard to do in stages, becasue you know each stage is yet another collection (almost said mess). Keep me posted on how you are managing this process. Take care, Merry Christmas — Bill

    PS — I do like writing Merry Christmas on these older posts, it kinda dates when I visited. Take care, Bill


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