God Is (Not) Dead

I enjoyed this film, God is (NOT) Dead. Awhile back I wrote a post mentioning this film and two others dealing with God in one way or another. I finally got around to watching this one. Essentially, it is a well told debate between a student and a philosophy teacher. The teacher begins the class with an offer to skip past hundreds of years of superstition and less one exam if everyone in the class will sign a paper with three little words “God is dead.” Only one student objects. The teacher insists that the student must prove the existence of God to the class or fail 30% of the course, as well as fall behind in his other courses. You do hear both sides of the argument. I enjoyed it and in fact am going to watch it a second time.

16 thoughts on “God Is (Not) Dead

  1. I couldn’t figure out why this story synopsis sounded so familiar. I’d read your previous post and watched the video. Sounds like the argument is interesting. I won’t ask if he won the teacher over int he end. 😀


  2. I’ll have to watch it as well. I have my own views and they work for me very well. I know God is alive. We’ve spent a lot of time together. He tells jokes, will drink a beer with you. He’s opinionated like most people that have been around for a while. I question those that throw him under the bus at the first sign of struggle with the life we so often find ourselves immersed in. I believed in my greatest challenges that my faith should be at its strongest. That has always worked for me.


    • Willy, I am so glad to hear you say so. Me, too. Funny story, my mother had 33 years in AA. At some point, my brother, Pat, asked her, “What’s the first thing you’re going to do when you get to heaven?”

      My mother looked at him in surprise and said, “Well, I’m going to have a drink with God, of course. I just know he’s a drinking man. The thing is, I can’t decide which first? A martini…? You’ve got all these new beers, too, that look good. I just can’t make up my mind…” Grin.

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