The Act of Forgiveness Does Not Equal Forgetting

My friend, Bill Hamilton, has a weekly post he does and each week, as part of his post, he chooses a word of the week to discuss. In this post, Bill tackled “forgiveness.” How important it was and how difficult it can be to forgive. A wonderful part of Bill’s blog is the interaction between […]

SLOMO ~ grin

My nephew saw this and forwarded it to numerous people, saying “Worth 15 minutes of your time.” His father, my brother, laughed and forwarded it to me, saying he had met and spoken with Slomo many times while walking on Pacific Beach in San Diego, where my brother lives. The first link he gave just […]

Praying for a Friend

One of my best readers and commentors is Bill Hamilton of Dealing with COPD. He was concerned yesterday about maybe getting pneumonia and said he would call and/or see his doctor today. On his site, he has posted an update that he has been hospitalized for an exacerbation, which is a serious word in COPD, […]

This just needs to be said.

I am angry right now. I may think better of this and back off from publishing it, but I need to write this out for myself and for every person who has had to pick up the shattered pieces left by someone suffering from pain, depression, bi-polar, manic depressive cycles, drug addicts, alcoholics, victims of […]

Rule No. 7: Others Are Merely Mirrors of You

Once again, this course, “When to Lay the Weapons Down” was written for attorneys and the lessons were loosely based around Rules for Being Human. OTHERS ARE MERELY MIRRORS OF YOU You cannot love or hate something about another person unless it reflects something you love or hate about yourself. It’s a curious thing, have […]

Rule No. 6: “There” Is No Better Than “Here”

“THERE” IS NO BETTER THAN ”HERE” When your “there” has become a “here”, you will simply obtain another “there” that will again look better than “here”. INTERVIEW  WITH  YOURSELF  – WHO  ARE  YOU? The following exercise is to clarify to yourself why you are where you are and where you intend to be.  It will […]

Rule No. 5: Learning Lessons Does Not End

Once again, this course, “When to Lay the Weapons Down” was written for attorneys and the lessons were loosely based around Rules for Being Human.   While you may not be an attorney, this is based on how you work with the people around you, those above and below you.   It is attitude, not position […]

Rule No. 4: A Lesson Is Repeated Until Learned

  A LESSON IS REPEATED UNTIL LEARNED.  A lesson will be presented to you in various forms until you have learned it. When you have learned it, you can then go on to the next lesson. Why on earth would anyone choose to experience substance abuse?  The very words are rather silly and far too […]

Rule No. 3: There Are No Mistakes, Only Lessons

THERE ARE NO MISTAKES,  ONLY LESSONS.  Growth is a process of trial and error:  Experimentation.  The “failed” experiments are as much a part of the process as the experiment that ultimately “works.” Take a moment and remember yourself five years ago.  Are you the same person? What have you learned?  Think of something that upset […]

Rule No. 2: You Will Learn Lessons, Part 2

Part 1 can be found here. Note:  Just a reminder that this was written for attorneys.  Adapt and apply, the principles are the same. Each one of us is born with an inner map, an inner navigator.  Our choice, no matter how we spin or weave reasons to err.  It always keeps coming back to […]